Yearly Highlights
310 Barbershoppers from Cardinal and Illinois Districts attended COTS in Danville, IL, December 7-8. First annual district workshop was held August 16-18 at Ball State University. Harold Roederer took over editorship of IN-KY NOTES again.
District Quartet Champion
Last Straws
Tenor: Jerry Kissinger
Lead: Bill Andreae
Bari: Harley Martin
Bass: Dick Ede
District Chorus Champion
Chorus:   Songfellows
Chapter:   Evansville
International Quartet Competitor(s) (Cincinnati)
Citations - Finished 15
Fun-Tonics - Finished 28
International Chorus Competitor(s) (Cincinnati)
Chapter:  Gary
Director:  Dick Mackin
Rank:  2
Yearly Awards
Barbershopper of the Year:  Don Tobey