Yearly Highlights
Louisville Chapter hosted the International Convention; Larry Knott served as General Chairman. The convention boasted an all-time record attendance of 11,012. Cardinal District Hall of Fame initiated at the Fall Convention in Evansville.

District Quartet Champion
Private Stock
Tenor:  Tony Kruk
Lead:  George Harper
Bari:   Don Clark
Bass:  Dave Voll

District Chorus Champion
Chorus:   Pride of Indy
Chapter:   Greater Indianapolis

Plateau Champions
Plateau AAAA Champion:  Pride of Indy
Plateau AAA Champion:  Kentuckians
Plateau AA Champion:  Magic City Music Men
Plateau A Champion:  Hoosier Heritage Harmonizers

Most Improved Chorus
Most Improved Chorus (Fall): Vincennes

International Quartet Competitor(s) (Louisville)
Barons - Finished 61
Sound Decision - Finished 65

International Chorus Competitor(s) (Louisville)
Chapter:  Mammoth Cave
Director:  Ron Wagner
Rank:  13

Small Bulletin
Editor: Ron Gilbert
Chapter: Lafayette
Publication: Tippecanotes

International Bulletin
Editor: Alvin Ries
Rank: 8

Editor: Jack Vickery
Rank: 18

Hall of Fame Individual Inductee(s)
Jerry Beeler
Joe Cutsinger
Ed Gentry
Fred Goodrich
Fred Gregory
Ed Hackett
Carl C. Jones
Joe Juday
Ivey McCord
Jim Miller
Huck Sinclair
Don Tobey

Yearly Awards
Barbershopper of the Year:  Larry Knott
Chapter of the Year:  Greater Indianapolis
Quartet of the Year:  Sharpshooters
Area Counselor of the Year:  Terry Kreigh