District Quartet Champion
Tenor:  Daniel Grant
Lead:  Andrew Myer
Bari:   Duane Henry
Bass:  Larry Klein

Novice Quartet Champion
All in the Cards (Fall)

Collegiate Quartet Champion
Instant Classic

District Chorus Champion
Chorus:   Circle City Sound
Chapter:   Greater Indianapolis

Plateau Champions
Plateau AAAA Champion:  Circle City Sound
Plateau AAA Champion:  The Valleyaires
Plateau AA Champion:  Iroquois Valley Harmonizers
Plateau A Champion:  Sounds of Indiana

Most Improved Chorus
Most Improved Chorus (Fall): Greater Indianapolis

International Quartet Competitor(s) (Anaheim)
65 South - Finished 28

International Collegiate Quartet Competitor(s) (Anaheim)
Instant Classic - Finished 8

International Chorus Competitor(s) (Anaheim)
Chapter:  Elizabethtown
Director:  Aaron Dale
Rank:  13

International Bulletin
Editor: Jerry Troxel
Type: Hardcopy
Rank: 3

Editor: Ken Steffen
Type: Electronic
Rank: 1

Hall of Fame Individual Inductee(s)
Carl Brock

Yearly Awards
Barbershopper of the Year:  Steve Albert
Chapter of the Year:  Greater Indianapolis
Quartet of the Year:  65 South