Year Editor Chapter Publication
2012 S. Joe Fox Lexington The Music Men
2011 S. Jean Hall Lafayette Tippecanotes
2001 Lynn & Aaron Hughes Terre Haute Ripples
2000 Bob Evanson Lafayette Tippeca-Notes
1999 Ken Steffen Fort Wayne #1 The Score
1998 Frank Ridoux Kokomo HAR-MO-NOTES
1997 Paul Del Rio Louisville Metro It's About Times
1996 Howard Waltersdorf Terre Haute Ripples on the Wabash
1995 Brad McAlexander Greater Indianapolis Inside The Pride
1994 Carl Taylor Ashland Corn Pone
1993 Robert Evanson Lafayette Tippeca-News
Mike Van Cleave Muncie Magic City Music Gazzette
1992 Don Harris Columbus-Greenwood The Bulletone
1991 Ron Gilbert Lafayette Tippecanotes
1990 Lynn Martin Greater Indianapolis Pride of Indy
Tasker Witham Terre Haute Ripples on the Wabash
1988 Paul Gabriel Fort Wayne The Score
1987 Fritz Endris Greensburg News and Notes
1986 John Lyness Porter-LaPorte Co. Lakeshore Ambassador
Dick Pierard Terre Haute Ripples on the Wabash
1985 Don Robinson South Bend-Mishawaka Mell-O-Notes
1984 Frank Bunton Columbus The Bulletone
1983 Roger Davidson Kokomo Har-Mo-Notes
1982 Dick Pierard Terre Haute Ripples on the Wabash
1981 Lowell Shank Mammoth Cave Gazebo Gazette
1980 Lowell Shank Mammoth Cave Gazebo Gazette
Gary Garitson Columbus The Bulletone
1979 Leland King Western Kentucky Purchase Propaganda
1978 Lowell Shank Mammoth Cave Gazebo Gazette