Yearly Highlights
For the first time in “modern” barbershop history, Cardinal District qualified two choruses in the International Chorus Contest for 1995 (Louisville and Louisville Metro). It was also the first time in Society history that two choruses from the same city competed at International . Dick Nyikos received the President’s Award in recognition of his Public Relations work during the International Convention in Pittsburgh. Cardinal District ran its own COTS for the first time, and with great success! District conventions carried themes for the first time (Spring – Western, Fall – Baseball). The Summit City Chorus placed second at the Buckeye Invitational.

District Quartet Champion
Black Tie Affair
Tenor:  Ken Limerick
Lead:  Paul Fernando
Bari:   Gaylord Miller
Bass:  Scott Kitzmiller

Senior Quartet Champion
Boyz of Autumn

Plateau Champions
Plateau AAA Champion:  Singing Kernels
Plateau AA Champion:  Sons of Harmony
Plateau A Champion:  Louisville Times

Most Improved Chorus
Most Improved Chorus (Fall): Lake County

International Quartet Competitor(s) (Pittsburgh)
Black Tie Affair - Finished 31
Heritage Station - Finished 49

International Chorus Competitor(s) (Pittsburgh)
Chapter:  Louisville
Director:  Ken Hatton
Rank:  6

Small Bulletin
Editor: Carl Taylor
Chapter: Ashland
Publication: Corn Pone

International Bulletin
Editor: Alvin Ries
Rank: 3

Editor: Paul Izdepski
Rank: 26

Hall of Fame Individual Inductee(s)
Jerry Kissinger

Yearly Awards
Barbershopper of the Year:  Gaylord Miller
Chapter of the Year:  Louisville
Quartet of the Year:  Heritage Station
Area Counselor of the Year:  Brian Newell